
A selection of recent conferences featuring talks by Professor Ruban:
- “Dynamic photosynthetic membrane”, GIBB conference, Catania, Sicily, 14-16 June 2017.
- “Regulation of light harvesting in nature”, LHP meeting in Banz, Germany, 26-31 March 2017.
- “Quantifying photoprotection” The Royal Society Discussion Meeting, London 10-11 October 2016.
- “Dynamic light harvesting membrane and how it matters to plant” Institute of Botany CAS, Beijing, 14 September 2016.
- “Regulation of light harvesting in plants: mechanism and efficiency” VIIth Photosynthesis Congress, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 7-12 August 2016.
- “The dynamic control of the photosynthetic light harvesting in plants” Antenna satellite meeting of the VIIth Photosynthesis Congress, Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands, 4-7 August 2016.
- “Dynamic light harvesting membrane” Conference on Biophysics of Photosynthesis. Courchamps, France, 19-21 May 2016.
- “Energy fluxes in LHCII and protection” Conference on optimisation of light energy conversion in plants and microalgae. Vernon, France, 13-15 April 2016.
- “Dynamic photosynthetic membrane” 4th International workshop on solar energy and sustainability. Singapore Nanyang Technological University. Singapore 21-24 March 2016.
- “Making the light harvesting membrane” Discovery Meeting at Imperial College London, 6 November 2015.
- “Quantifying photoprotection in plants” European Photobiology Congress, Aveiro, Portugal, 31 August - 4 September 2015.
- “Economic photoprotection in photosystem II that retains a complete light-harvesting system with slow energy traps”. Light Harvesting Processes meeting, Banz, 8-12 March 2015.
- “Photoprotective effectiveness of non-photochemical chlorophyll fluorescence quenching – pNPQ”. Zing conference on oxidative stress, Oropesa, Spain, 3-6 October 2014.
- “The mechanism and significance of NPQ”. International conference on regulation of photosynthesis, Guilin, China, 16-19 August 2014.
- “Xanthophylls in regulation of photoprotection in plants”. Conference on calculations of highly conjugated molecules. Courchamps, France, 23-25 June 2014.
- “Xanthophyll Cycle alters the Energy Transfer Pathways in Photosystem II”. International conference Biophysics of Photosynthesis, Rome, 2013.
- “Protective NPQ” August 2013, 16th International Congress in Photosynthesis. Antenna Satellite meeting, St Louis, USA.
- “Making of the light harvesting membrane in vivo” April 2013, International Conference "Light Harvesting Process", Banz Monastery, Germany.
- “Natural light harvesting: Principles and environmental trends” November 2012, Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn, Napoli, Italy.
- “Regulation of photoprotection in plants” September 2011, The 14th Congress of the European Society for Photobiology, Geneva, Switzerland.
- “Regulation of qE” April 2011, International meeting on NPQ mechanisms. Passau, Germany.
- “Light harvesting in plants: principles and environmental trends” October 2010, Xth Nordic Photosynthesis Congress, Tartu, Estonia.
- “Photoregulation at the pigment and protein levels” September 2010, HARVEST Network meeting, Venice, Itlay
- “Natural light harvesting: principles and environmental trends”
September 2010, Institute of Physics Conference, Physics meets biology, Oxford, UK.
- “Optimization of light harvesting by xanthophylls in higher plants”. Light Harvesting and Solar Energy Conversion, International Bunsen discussion meeting, April 2010, Stuttgart, Germany.
- “Photosynthesis research at Queen Mary” and “The physics of NPQ quencher”. November 2009, First international meeting of EU FP7 “HARVEST” network, Naantali, Finland.
- "Photoprotective energy dissipation involves the alteration of the terminal emitter chlorophyll energy and configuration of lutein 1 in intact chloroplasts and isolated light harvesting complexes of photosystem II". March 2009, International Workshop on non-photochemical quenching and photoprotection, Parsberg, Germany.
- "The role of xanthophylls in the optimisation of light harvesting". March 2009, Light Harvesting Processes, Banz, Germany.
- “Fluorescence lifetime analysis of molecular events leading to establishment of efficient photoprotective state in the Photosystem II antenna”. October 2008, European LASERLAB User Meeting: Frontiers in the generation of short laser pulses and laser-matter interactions, Heraklion, Greece.
- “Xanthophyll-modulated control of light harvesting in photosystem II”. July 2008, 1st Queen Mary Photosynthesis Symposium, London.
- "Molecular events triggering efficient photoprotective energy dissipation in the photosynthetic antenna of plants". November 2007, LASERLAB User Meeting: Frontiers in the generation of short laser pulses and laser-matter interactions, Madrid, Spain.
- "Molecular events leading to the efficient and flexible energy dissipation in the photosystem II antenna" Photosynthesis Gordon Research Conference June 2008, Mount Holyoke College, Boston, USA.
- “Spectroscopy of state transitions: analysing dynamics of antenna cross-section”. July 2007, State Transitions Satellite Meeting of the XIVth International Congress in Photosynthesis, London.
- "Plasticity of the light harvesting antenna of higher plants: the evidence of resilient design". May 2007, International Conference “Photosystem II macroorganization” in Röjtökmuzsaj. Hungary.
- “Photoprotective conformational switch in the light harvesting antenna of higher plants”. April 2007, International Symposium on Molecular Response to Electronic Excitation, Bad Münstereifel, Germany.
- “NPQ without zeaxanthin”. September 2006, International Workshop on the Nonphotochemical Quenching and Photoprotection in photosystem 2, Parsberg, Germany.
- “Introduction to NPQ. Orientation. Current concepts. Xanthophyll cycle.” September 2006, International Course on photoprotection in photosystem II, Parsberg, Germany.
- “Plasticity of the light harvesting antenna of higher plants”. September 2006, Vth annual LAMPS meeting, Rothamsted research station, UK.
- “Molecular events underlying excitation energy control in the photosystem II antenna”, September 2005, XI th Congress of the European Society for Photobiology, Aix-les-Bains, France.
- “Xanthophylls of higher plants: identification, localization and structural properties”, Keynote lecture, July 2005, XIVth International Symposium on Carotenoids, Edinburgh, UK.
- “Xanthophylls of higher plants: identification, localization and structure”, June 2005, Bioorganic Chemistry Meeting, Chemical Research Center, Budapest, Hungary.
- “Light harvesting in plants: molecular patterns of adaptability”, August 2004, Session opening lecture at the XIIIth International Congress in Photosynthesis, Montreal, Canada.
- “Physiological trends in the current research of light harvesting”, May 2004, International meeting on the structure and function of photosystem II. Trento, Italy
- “Control of the chlorophyll excitation density in the photosynthetic membrane”, March 2004, Annual Society of Experimental Biology Meeting, Edinburgh, UK.
- “Xanthophylls in photosynthesis of higher plants: identification, localization and dynamics”, October 2003, Wilhelm und Else Heraeus-Stiftung Seminar “Excited State Processes of Carotenoids in Photosynthesis”, Bad Honnef, Germany.
- “Excess energy dissipation in diatom algae: photosynthetic antenna with super-NPQ”, October 2003, International conference on tetrapyrrole photoreceptors, Passau, Germany.
- “Xanthophylls of higher plant photosynthesis: identification, localisation and dynamics”, October 2002, ESF Conference “Femtochemistry and Femtobiology”, Antalya, Turkey.
- “Fluorescence quenching in isolated light harvesting complexes” October 1999, ESF Conference on the Nonphotochemical Quenching, Rehovot, Israel.