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Green O icon Acrobat icon ( 1) Clymo RS (1962). An experimental approach to part of the calcicole problem. Journal of Ecology 50: 707-731.

Green S icon Acrobat icon ( 2) Clymo RS (1963). Ion exchange in Sphagnum and its relation to bog ecology. Annals of Botany, New Series 27: 309-327.

Black O icon Acrobat icon ( 3) Clymo RS (1964). Apparatus for the recovery of lost peat-borers. New Phytologist 63: 426-427.

Pink S icon Acrobat icon ( 4) Clymo RS (1964). The origin of acidity in Sphagnum bogs. Bryologist 67: 427-431.

Green B icon Acrobat icon ( 5) Clymo RS (1965). Experiments on breakdown of Sphagnum in two bogs. Journal of Ecology 53: 747-758.

Green S icon Acrobat icon ( 6) Clymo RS (1967). Control of cation concentrations, and in particular of pH in Sphagnum-dominated communities. Chemical Environment in the Aquatic Habitat. Eds Golterman HL and Clymo RS. Amsterdam, North Holland: 273-284.

Green O icon Acrobat icon ( 7) Clymo RS (1967). Movement of the main shingle bank at Blakeney Point, Norfolk. Transactions of the Norfolk and Norwich Naturalists Society 21: 3-6.

Green O icon Acrobat icon ( 8) Clymo RS (1967). Accretion rate in two salt-marshes at Blakeney Point, Norfolk. Transactions of the Norfolk and Norwich Naturalists Society 21: 7-8.

Pink O icon No pdf icon ( 9) Golterman HL, Clymo RS (1969). Methods for Chemical Analysis of Fresh Waters. Oxford, Blackwell Scientific Publications.

Green S icon Acrobat icon (10) Clymo RS (1970). The growth of Sphagnum: methods of measurement. Journal of Ecology 58: 13-40.

Pink O icon No pdf icon (11) Clymo RS (1971). Mineral nutrients - a terminological inexactitude? British Ecological Society Bulletin 2: 4.

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Black G icon Acrobat icon (12) Clymo RS, Reddaway EJF(1971). Productivity of Sphagnum (bog-moss) and peat accumulation. Hidrobiologia 12: 181-192.

[This contains the first measurements of CO2 and CH4 efflux from a peatland, and may therefore be of some historic interest. The editor simply cut sections out without any changes to what was left. This mangled version is therefore unintelligible in places. The full, and lightly revised, version is in (13) below.]

Green G icon Acrobat icon (13) Clymo RS, Reddaway EJF (1972). A tentative dry-matter balance sheet for the wet blanket bog on Burnt Hill, Moor House N.N.R. Aspects of the Ecology of the Northern Pennines, Occasional Papers No. 3, Institute of Terrestrial Ecology: 15.

Green S icon Acrobat icon (14) Clymo RS (1973). The growth of Sphagnum: some effects of environment. Journal of Ecology 61: 849-869.

Pink S icon Acrobat icon (15) Clymo RS (1974). Growth rate of Sphagnum rubellum Wils. on Pennine blanket bog. Journal of Ecology 62: 191-196.

Pink O icon Acrobat icon (16) Clymo RS, Gregory SP (1975). Two cheap, temperature-stable, battery-operated devices producing a current linearly proportional to capacitance or resistance. Journal of applied Ecology 12: 577-586.

Pink B icon Acrobat icon (17) Clymo RS (1978). A model of peat-bog growth. Production Ecology of some British Moors and Montane Grasslands. Eds O. W. Heal and D. F. Perkins with W. M. Brown. Berlin, Springer: 187-223.

Pink O icon No pdf icon (18) Golterman HL, Clymo RS, Ohnstad MR (1978). Methods for physical and chemical analysis of fresh waters. Oxford, Blackwell Scientific Publications.

Pink O icon Acrobat icon (19) Clymo RS (1980). A preliminary survey of Hummell Knowe Moss using a variety of numerical methods. Vegetatio 42: 129-148.

Green S icon Acrobat icon (20) Clymo RS and Hayward PM (1982). The ecology of Sphagnum. The Ecology of Bryophytes. Ed Smith AJE. London, Chapman and Hall: 229-289.

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Green S icon Acrobat icon (21) Hayward PM, Clymo RS (1982). Profiles of water content and pore size in Sphagnum and peat, and their relation to peat bog ecology. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 215: 299-325.

Pink B icon Acrobat icon (22) Clymo RS (1983). Peat. Ecosystems of the World: Bog, Swamp, Moor and Fen, vol 4A. Ed. Gore AJP. Amsterdam, Elsevier: 159-224.

Pink O icon No pdf icon (23) Clymo RS (1983). A trio of troubles. British Ecological Society Bulletin 14: 150-155.

Green S icon Acrobat icon (24) Hayward PM, Clymo RS (1983). The growth of Sphagnum: experiments on, and simulation of, some effects of light flux and water-table depth. Journal of Ecology 71: 845-863.

Green B icon Acrobat icon (25) Clymo RS (1984). The limits to peat bog growth. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B 303: 605-654.

Green S icon Acrobat icon (26) Clymo RS (1984). Sphagnum-dominated peat-bog: a naturally acid ecosystem. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 305: 487-499.

Green B icon Acrobat icon (27) Smith RIL, Clymo RS(1984). An extraordinary peat-forming community on the Falkland Islands. Nature, London 309: 617-620.

Pink O icon Acrobat icon (28) Clymo RS Golterman HL (1985). Determination of the ionic product of hydroxy-apatite. Hydrobiologia 126: 31-34.

Green S icon Acrobat icon (29) Clymo RS, Duckett JG (1986). Regeneration of Sphagnum. New Phytologist 102: 589-614.

Green S icon Acrobat icon (30) Clymo RS, Mackay D (1987). Upwash and downwash of pollen and spores in the unsaturated layer of Sphagnum-dominated peat. New Phytologist 105: 175-183.

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Pink S icon Acrobat icon (31) Clymo RS (1987). Interactions of Sphagnum with water and air. Effects of Atmospheric Pollutants on Forests, Wetlands and Agricultural Ecosystems. Eds Hutchinson TC, Meema K, Berlin, Springer: 513-529.

Green B icon Acrobat icon (32) Clymo RS (1987). The ecology of peatlands. Science Progress, Oxford 71: 593-614.

Pink B icon Acrobat icon (33) Clymo RS (1987). Rainwater-fed peat as a precursor of coal. Coal and Coal-Bearing Strata: Recent Advances. Ed. Scott AC, London, Geological Society: 17-23.

Pink O icon Acrobat icon (34) Clymo RS (1988). A high-resolution sampler of surface peat. Functional Ecology 2: 425-431.

Pink S icon Acrobat icon (35) Duckett JG, Clymo RS (1988). Regeneration of bog liverworts. New Phytologist 110: 119-127.

Black O icon Acrobat icon (36) Golterman HL, Clymo RS, et al. (1988). Methods of exploration and analysis of the environment of aquatic vegetation. Vegetation of Inland Waters. Ed. Symoens JJ. The Hague, Junk: 31-61.

Pink O icon Acrobat icon (37) Harrison SP, Clymo RS, Southall H (1988). Order amid sparse data: patterns of lake level changes in North America during the late Quaternary. Mathematical Geology 20: 167-188.

Green S icon Acrobat icon (38) Rydin H, Clymo RS (1989). Transport of carbon and phosphorus compounds about Sphagnum. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 237: 63-84.

Pink B icon Acrobat icon (39) Clymo RS, Oldfield F, et al. (1990). The record of atmospheric deposition on a rainwater-dependent peatland. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B 327: 331-338.

Pink B icon Acrobat icon (40) Clymo RS (1991). Peat growth. Quaternary Landscapes. Eds Shane LCK, Cushing EJ. Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press: 76-112.

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Pink B icon Acrobat icon (41) Clymo RS, Foster GN, MacKay J, Robertson J, Shore R, Skidmore DI. (1992). Terrestrial biology in limed catchments. Restoring Acid Waters: Loch Fleet 1984 - 1990. Eds. G. Howells and T. R. K. Dalziel. London and New York, Elsevier Applied Science: 331-361.

Pink B icon Acrobat icon (42) Clymo RS (1992). Productivity and decomposition of peatland ecosystems. Peatland Ecosystems and Man: An Impact Assessment. Eds Bragg OM, Hulme PD, Ingram HAP, Robertson RA. Dundee, University of Dundee: 3-16.

Green B icon Acrobat icon (43) Clymo RS (1992). Models of peat growth. Suo 43: 127-136.

Black B icon No pdf icon (44) Maltby E, Immerzi EP, with Clymo RS (1992). The Global Status of Peatlands and their Role in the Carbon Cycle. London, Friends of the Earth: 145.

Black B icon Acrobat icon (45) Tolonen K, Vasander H, Damman AWH, Clymo RS (1992). Rate of apparent and true carbon accumulation in Boreal peatlands. 9th International Peat Congress, Uppsala, Sweden, International Peat Society.

Black B icon Acrobat icon (46) Tolonen K, Vasander H, Damman AWH, Clymo RS (1992). Preliminary estimate of long-term carbon accumulation and loss in 25 Boreal peatlands. Suo 43: 277-280.

Green B icon Acrobat icon (47) Warner BG, Clymo RS, Tolonen K (1993). Implications of peat accumulation at Point Escuminac, New Brunswick. Quaternary Research 39: 245-248.

Pink G icon Acrobat icon (48) Clymo RS, Hargreaves K (1994). Methane emissions from UK agriculture, Forests, wetlands and wastes:natural wetlands. Watt Committee Report Number 28: Methane Emissions. Ed Williams A London, Watt Committee on Energy: 111-121.

Pink S icon Acrobat icon (49) Bragg OM, Clymo RS (1995). Seven years of change following liming of Sphagnum communitiesin Sector VII of the Loch Fleet catchment. Chemistry and Ecology 9: 231-245.

Green B icon Acrobat icon (50) Christen JA, Clymo RS, Litton CD (1995). A Bayesian approach to the use of 14C dates in the estimation of the age of peat. Radiocarbon 37: 431-441.

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Green O icon Acrobat icon (51) Clymo RS (1995). Nutrients and limiting factors. Hydrobiologia 315: 15-24.

Green G icon Acrobat icon (52) Clymo RS, Pearce DME (1995). Methane and carbon dioxide production in, transport through, and efflux from a peatland. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London A 350: 249-259.

Black O icon Acrobat icon (53) Clymo RS, Dawson FH, Bertram BCR, Burt TP, Gilman K, Ingram HAP, James R, Kirkby MJ, Lee JA, Maltby E, Wheeler BD, Wilcock D. (1995). Directions for research on wetlands in Britain. Hydrology and Hydrochemistry of British Wetlands. Eds Hughes J, Heathwaite L. Chichester, J. Wiley and Sons: 467-478.

Black S icon Acrobat icon (54) Clymo RS (1996). The roles of Sphagnum in peatlands. Conserving peatlands. Eds Parkyn LS, Stoneman RE, Ingram HAP. New York, CAB International: 95-102.

Pink B icon Acrobat icon (55) Clymo RS (1996). Assessing the accumulation of carbon in peatlands. Northern Peatlands in Global Climatic Change. Eds Laiho R, Laine J, Vasander H. Helsinki, Academy of Finland: 207 - 212.

Green B icon Acrobat icon (56) Clymo RS, Turunen J, Tolonen, K. (1998). Carbon accumulation in peatland. Oikos 81: 368-388.

Black B icon Acrobat icon (57) Clymo RS (1998). Sphagnum, the peatland carbon economy, and climate change. Bryology for the Twenty-First Century. Eds Bates JW, Ashton NW, Duckett JG. Leeds, Maney Publishing Company and The British Bryological Society: 361-368.

Green G icon Acrobat icon (58) Daulat, WE, Clymo RS (1998). Effects of temperature and watertable on the efflux of methane from peatland surface cores. Atmospheric Environment 32: 3207-3218.

Black G icon mail to (59) Stephen KD, Arah JRM, et al. (1998). Root-mediated gas transport in peat determined by argon diffusion. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 30: 501-508.


Green B icon Acrobat icon (60) Belyea LR. Clymo RS (1999). Do hollows control the rate of peat bog growth? Patterned mires and mire pools: origin and development, flora and fauna. Eds Standen V, Tallis JH, Meade R. London, British Ecological Society: 55-65.

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Black B icon Acrobat icon (61) Clymo RS (1999). Soiden ekologia: 10000 vuotta historian virtaa. Suo on kaunis. Sepänmaa Y. Helsinki, Maahenki Oy: 32-42.

In Finnish. The original (unpublished) English version of (61) is as (61a).

Pink B icon Acrobat icon (61a) Clymo RS (1999). The ecology of peatlands: ten millennia of fluid history. Unpublished English original of (61)

Green B icon Acrobat icon (62) Belyea LR, Clymo RS (2001). Feedback control of the rate of peat formation. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 268: 1315-1321.

Green G icon Acrobat icon (63) Pearce DME, Clymo RS (2001). Methane oxidation in a peatland core. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 15: 709-720.

Green B icon Acrobat icon (64) Clymo RS (2004). Hydraulic conductivity of peat at Ellergower Moss, Scotland. Hydrological Processes 18: 261-274.

Green G icon Acrobat icon (65) Clymo RS, Bryant CL (2008). Diffusion and mass flow of dissolved carbon dioxide, methane, and dissolved organic carbon in a 7-m deep raised bog. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 72: 2048-2066.

Green G icon Acrobat icon (66) Clymo RS, Williams MMR (2012). Diffusion of gases dissolved in peat pore water. Mires and Peat 10 (6): 1-10.

Pink B icon Acrobat icon (67) Gorham E, Lehman C, Dyke A, Clymo D, Janssens J (2012) Long-term carbon sequestration in North American peatlands. Quaternary Science Reviews 58: 77-82

Green O icon Acrobat icon (68) Clymo RS (2014) Reporting Research: a Biologist's Guide to Articles, Talks, and Posters. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge

Pink G icon Acrobat icon (69) Clymo RS (2015) Why are there few gas bubbles in deep peat in British raised and blanket peat bogs? Mires and Peat 16(5) 1-20

Green B icon Acrobat icon (70) Clymo RS (2016) Movement of tritiated water injected into blanket peat. Mires and Peat 18(9) 1-14.

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Green O icon Acrobat icon (71) Clymo RS (2016) Valedictory Lecture https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Bn7GiUcZDA

Green B icon Acrobat icon (72) Clymo RS (2017) A video simulating the growth of a raised bog. Mires and Peat 19(16) 1-7.

Pink S icon Acrobat icon (73) Weston DJ, Turetsky MR, et al. and Clymo RS, Shaw AJ [34 authors in all] (2018) The Sphagnome Project: enabling ecological and evolutionary insights through a genus level sequencing project. New Phytologist 217: 16-25

Green O icon Acrobat icon (74) Pressl S, Renzaglia KS, Clymo RS, Duckett JG (2018) Hornwort stomata do not respond actively to exogenous and environmental cues. Annals of Botany 122 :45-57

Green O icon Acrobat icon (75) Clymo RS (2019) How many of the digits in a mean of 12.3456789012 are worth reporting? BMC Research Notes https://doi.org/10.1186/s13104-019-4175-6 To top