2020-07-25 |
A research paper by Alvarez-Lloret (Oviedo) and Ruiz-Agudo on CO2 (Granada) sequestration and
simultaneous zeolite production by carbonation of coal fly ash has been published in the
Journal of CO2 Utilization.
2020-07-08 |
A research paper by Montes-Hernandez (Grenoble) on the mechanism of nucleation of brushite and hydroxyapatite using dynamic in situ Raman spectroscopy has been published in
Journal of Physical Chemistry C.
2020-07-01 |
A research paper by Devis Di Tommaso (QMUL) on the solution composition effects to the hydration of metal ions has been published in
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics.
2020-04-30 |
Devis Di Tommaso (QMUL) has given a webinar as part of the Thomas Young Centre Online Seminar series:
"FUNdamental Studies of MINeral Carbonation with Application to CO2 Utilisation"
2020-04-17 |
Devis Di Tommaso (QMUL) has been awarded funding from The Royal Society and the CORE-LAB project
of Tohoku University.
This grant will fund an exchange programme between his group and
Nishihara's group at Tohoku University to develop new catalysts
for the conversion of CO2 into added value chemicals.
2020-03-03 |
The scientific team of Cambridge Carbon Capture visited the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory to attend the neutron scattering experiments conducted by
Greg Chass and Fu Song, and to discuss the design of the proposed flow-cell for neutron scattering and among other measurements of CO2 mineralisation.

2019-12-12 |
The kick-off meeting of the FUNMIN project has been held at Queen Mary, London.

2019-12-10 |
Pedro Alvarez-Lloret has presented the FUNMIN project at the summit on climate change
Cumbre del clima. Tiempo de actuar.
2019-11-26 |
Greg Chass has attended the Canada-UK Communities of Interest: Commercial CO2 Capture and Use (CCU) Opportunities at
Canada House, Trafalgar Square, London.
2019-11-06 |
Devis Di Tommaso has attended the
4th ACT Knowledge Sharing workshop in Athens.
2019-10-30 |
Devis Di Tommaso and Greg Chass have been awarded funding from the
IAA Large Grants Competition
to generate a high-precision flow-cell for neutron scattering measurements of CO2 mineralization.
2019-10-22 |
A research paper by Montes-Hernandez (Grenoble partner) on the mechanism of formation of engineered magnesite has been published in the
Journal of CO2 Utilization.
2019-10-16 |
A research paper by Wolthers (Utrecht) and Di Tommaso (QMUL) on calcium dehydration as the rate-determining Step in
calcium mineral growth has been published in the
Journal of Physical Chemistry C.
2019-10-06 |
Welcome to Fu Song, who joins FUNMIN as a research assistant to characterize experimentally
the aqueous formation of MgCO3.
2019-10-01 |
Welcome to Dimitrios Toroz, who joins FUNMIN as a postdoctoral researcher to develop
atomistic and geochemical simulations methods for the theoretical characterization of nucleation
and growth of MgCO3 from solution.