Downloading using your browser
you click on the link below, you will obtain a list of directories.
When you click on the
directory you will get a file listing and some explanatory text. (which you can
also download: its in the read_me file).
how to download
on those files you want (if this fails try right-click or click-and-hold)
Please give me feedback on the programs so they can be improved. Click here for file listing
The directories
- Mauritian skinks: Data from
endangered skinks from the islets around Mauritius. The data are
Excel files as genotypes. These data were analysed in manuscript in
press in Molecular Ecology (2004) using the software below.
- Bayallele: a method to obtain
estimates of population size, migration rates and mutation rates from
microsatellite (and allozyme etc) allelele frequencies in each population.
It requires the user to specify prior beliefs about the population
sizes migration and mutation rates. The software is being developed
for release (April 2004) with a user-friendly front end here. Impatient Pascal
programmers might want to make use of the original code and example input
file in the above directory.
- Mauritius kestrel:
microsatellite data from Museum skins from Mauritius, present-day
populations of kestrels on Mauritius, the Seychelles, Madagascar and
related continental species. The data are in Excel files either in two
formats: genotype data and allele frequencies. This data is analyzed in a
paper by Nichols et al 2001 MOL ECOL 10 (3): 593-602.
and Groombridge et. al. 1999. NATURE 403 (6770): 616-616 FEB 10 2000.
- Further details on Culex genetics. This directory contains tables giving allele frequencies from
populations in the London Underground and nearby populations on the
surface. Details of allozyme scoring are also given. These tables are
intend to augment the Heredity paper: Byrne & Nichols 1998. Culex
mosquitoes in the London Underground. The tables are in Word format, and
RTF (rich text format).
- Fst likelihoods: programs to
calculate likelhood curves for Fst from genetic data. The programs are
available as executable files for PCs (*.exe files) and as Turbo Pascal
source files.
- Heterozygosity likelihoods: programs
to calculate likelhood curves for heterozygosity from genetic data. The
programs are available as executable files for PCs (*.exe files) and as
Turbo Pascal source files. The output can be used to estimate the
relative size of populations if the same loci are scored in each
population. The method is outlined in Nichols RA, Bruford MW,
Groombridge JJ Sustaining genetic variation in a small population:
evidence from the Mauritius kestrel. MOL ECOL 10 (3): 593-602 MAR
- Beaumont_Nichols programs to
evaluate differences in Fst estimates obtained from different loci as
described in Beaumont & Nichols(1996), Proc.Roy.Soc.B263:1619-1626.
They are available as C code.