2009 - present : Reader in Evolutionary Ecology, Queen Mary, University of London.
2008 - present: Extraordinary Professor, Department of Zoology & Entomology, University of Pretoria.
1998 - 2009 : Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Molecular Ecology & Evolution, Queen Mary, University of London.
1990-1998: Post-doctoral Research Scientist then Research Fellow at the Institute of Zoology, Zoological Society of London.
1987-1990: PhD "Social Suppression of Reproduction in The Naked Mole-Rat, Heterocephalus glaber". Institute of Zoology, Zoological Society of London/University College London.
1984-1987: Research Project Leader, Dalgety UK Ltd.
African mole-rats: Ecology and Eusociality
now available in paperback. Link to Amazon
/ Cambridge
Click on highlighted areas for further information.
1. The evolution of sociality and biodiversity in the African mole-rats, Family Bathyergidae (In collaboration with Professor N.C. Bennett, University of Pretoria).
2. Genetics and comparative genomics of social behaviour and adaptations to life underground (In collaboration with Professor N.C. Bennett, University of Pretoria and Professor Steve Rossiter, Queen Mary, University of London).
Genomic and epigenetic approaches to understanding eusociality
in naked mole-rats (In collaboration with Professor Edith
Heard and Dr Eskeatnaf Mulugeta, Marie Curie Institute, Paris
and Professor Elizabeth Blackburn, UCSF).
4. MHC gene evolution, parasites and social behaviour in African mole-rats & (In collaboration with Professor N.C. Bennett & Dr Heike Lutermann, University of Pretoria).
Some previous projects
5. Neurobiology of social behaviour (In collaboration with Professor Clive Coen, King's College London).
6. Genetic studies of wild common marmoset monkeys (In collaboration with Dr M.F. Arruda and Professor M.E. Yamamoto, University of Natal, Brazil; Dr M.A.O. Da Cruz, Rural University of Pernambuco, Brazil).
7. Molecular ecology of Round Island petrels (In collaboration with Professor Richard Nichols and Dr Ruth Brown, Dr Carl Jones and Vikash Tatayah (Mauritius Wildlife Foundation) and the late Dr Bill Jordan, Zoological Society of London.8. Molecular ecology of UK small mammals (With Professor John Gurnell, QMUL).
Contact Chris Faulkes:
School of
Biological Sciences, Queen Mary, University of London, Mile End
Road, London E1 4NS, UK. Tel. 020-7882 7004; e-mail
photo of naked mole-rats by Lorna Ellen
Faulkes Photography